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Znaleziono 8 wyników

  1. Software House produkujący innowacyjne aplikacje dla biznesu, uruchamia nowy, długoterminowy, ciekawy biznesowo i technologicznie projekt!!! Do stałej pracy przy realizacji projektu poszukujemy pracowników na stanowisku: Programista VB.NET Miejsce pracy: Łódź Zadania programisty: Programowanie z wykorzystaniem języka Visual Basic.NET Dokumentowanie własnej pracy zgodnie z przyjętymi standardami Dbanie o jakość kodu – testowanie rozwiązań na poziomie developerskim Oczekiwania: Znajomość platformy .NET oraz języka VB.NET Kilkuletnie doświadczenie w programowaniu (min. rok - junior, 3 lata - middle, 5 lat – senior) Znajomość dobrych praktyk związanych, z jakością kodu (DRY, KISS, standardy nazewnicze, standard dokumentowania kodu, itd.) Znajomość metodyki SCRUM Znajomość języka SQL i silników baz danych MS SQL Mile widziana znajomość ORACLE Znajomość jęz. angielskiego w stopniu pozwalającym na swobodne poruszanie się w dokumentacji technicznej Dobra organizacja własnej pracy Umiejętność pracy w zespole Mile widziana znajomość JIRA Pracodawca gwarantuje: Atrakcyjne warunki pracy i płacy (wynagrodzenie w zależności od doświadczenia od 5 000 do 13 000 netto) Dogodną formę współpracy: umowa o pracę lub kontrakt Stabilne zatrudnienie Możliwość pracy przy nowym, ciekawym projekcie (bez poprawek kodu po poprzednikachJ) Niezbędne narzędzia do pracy Komfortowe warunki do pracy Zainteresowanych kandydatów prosimy o przesyłanie CV na adres: Po otrzymaniu CV skontaktujemy się z Tobą i otrzymasz dalsze informacje nt. oferty!
  2. Visual Basic System Engineer - Nr ref. (84/02) Kraków Job description In the role of Visual Basic System Engineer, you will apply your technical proficiency across different stages of the Software Development and Maintenance Life Cycle including Requirements Elicitation, Problem Analysis, Coding and Testing of software applications. You will deliver high quality code deliverables, conduct validation for all types of testing and support activities. You will respond to the issues assigned, do analysis, suggest/ implement work around, communicate to all the stakeholders and close issues as per the agreed timelines. You will be part of a learning culture, where teamwork and collaboration are encouraged, excellence is rewarded, and diversity is respected and valued. The posision requires shifts work: 8.00-16.00 or 12.00-20.00 individually agreed with Manager. For more information, please contact Joanna Kempińska joanna.kempinska[at] Requirements Bachelor’s degree or foreign equivalent required from an accredited institution At least 2 years of experience with excellent technology understanding of Visual Basic, MS Access and VBA (MS Access and Excel Macros) At least 2 years of experience in development and maintenance of applications using Visual Basic, MS Access and VBA (MS Access and Excel Macros) Recent experience in developing and deploying Visual Basic 6 applications Strong written and verbal communication skills and fluent knowledge of English Strong understanding of common software development and maintenance practices Good Analytical skills Additional requirements Understanding and usage of SQL Server Good to have experience in Insurance domain Ability to work in team in diverse/ multiple stakeholder environment Experience and desire to work in a Global delivery environment Our offer Opportunity to be part of newly build, highly specialized team that works in multicultural organization Standard work agreement, competitive salary and significant yearly bonus Social bonuses: medical health care for you and your familly, multisport card and other Telephone, laptops and other tools External and internal trainings Possibility to travel to other company location across Europe
  3. .NET System Engineer - Nr ref. (84/03) Kraków Job description In the role of .NET Systems Engineer, you will apply your technical proficiency across different stages of the Software Development and Maintenance Life Cycle including Requirements Elicitation, Problem Analysis, Coding and Testing of software applications. You will deliver high quality code deliverables, conduct validation for all types of testing and support activities. You will respond to the issues assigned, do analysis, suggest/ implement work around, communicate to all the stakeholders and close issues as per the agreed timelines. You will be part of a learning culture, where teamwork and collaboration are encouraged, excellence is rewarded, and diversity is respected and valued. The posision requires shifts work: 8.00-16.00 or 12.00-20.00 individually agreed with Manager. For more information, please contact Patrycja Pałacka-Wilk ppw[at] Requirements Bachelor’s degree or foreign equivalent required from an accredited institution; At least 2 years of experience with excellent technology understanding of Visual Basic, VB/C# .NET, MS SQL server and MS access; At least 2 years of experience in development and maintenance of applications using Visual Basic, VB.NET, ASP.NET, C# and MS SQL Server; Recent experience in developing and deploying ASP.NET applications; Strong written and verbal communication skills and fluent knowledge of English; Strong understanding of common software development and maintenance practices; Good Analytical skills. Additional requirements Understanding and usage of SQL Server and Visual basic 6; Good to have experience in Insurance domain; Ability to work in team in diverse/ multiple stakeholder environment; Experience and desire to work in a Global delivery environment. Our offer Opportunity to be part of newly build, highly specialized team that works in multicultural organization; Standard work agreement, competitive salary and significant yearly bonus; Social bonuses: medical health care for you and your familly, multisport card and other; Telephone, laptops and other tools; External and internal trainings; Possibility to travel to other company location across Europe.
  4. Visual Basic System Engineer - Nr ref. (84/02) Kraków Job description In the role of Visual Basic System Engineer, you will apply your technical proficiency across different stages of the Software Development and Maintenance Life Cycle including Requirements Elicitation, Problem Analysis, Coding and Testing of software applications. You will deliver high quality code deliverables, conduct validation for all types of testing and support activities. You will respond to the issues assigned, do analysis, suggest/ implement work around, communicate to all the stakeholders and close issues as per the agreed timelines. You will be part of a learning culture, where teamwork and collaboration are encouraged, excellence is rewarded, and diversity is respected and valued. The posision requires shifts work: 8.00-16.00 or 12.00-20.00 individually agreed with Manager. For more information or to apply please contact Joanna Kempińska joanna.kempinska[at] Requirements Bachelor’s degree or foreign equivalent required from an accredited institution At least 2 years of experience with excellent technology understanding of Visual Basic, MS Access and VBA (MS Access and Excel Macros) At least 2 years of experience in development and maintenance of applications using Visual Basic, MS Access and VBA (MS Access and Excel Macros) Recent experience in developing and deploying Visual Basic 6 applications Strong written and verbal communication skills and fluent knowledge of English Strong understanding of common software development and maintenance practices Good Analytical skills Additional requirements Understanding and usage of SQL Server Good to have experience in Insurance domain Ability to work in team in diverse/ multiple stakeholder environment Experience and desire to work in a Global delivery environment Our offer Opportunity to be part of newly build, highly specialized team that works in multicultural organization Standard work agreement, competitive salary and significant yearly bonus Social bonuses: medical health care for you and your familly, multisport card and other Telephone, laptops and other tools External and internal trainings Possibility to travel to other company location across Europe
  5. .NET System Engineer - Nr ref. (84/03) Kraków Job description In the role of .NET Systems Engineer, you will apply your technical proficiency across different stages of the Software Development and Maintenance Life Cycle including Requirements Elicitation, Problem Analysis, Coding and Testing of software applications. You will deliver high quality code deliverables, conduct validation for all types of testing and support activities. You will respond to the issues assigned, do analysis, suggest/ implement work around, communicate to all the stakeholders and close issues as per the agreed timelines. You will be part of a learning culture, where teamwork and collaboration are encouraged, excellence is rewarded, and diversity is respected and valued. The posision requires shifts work: 8.00-16.00 or 12.00-20.00 individually agreed with Manager. For more information or to apply please contact Patrycja Pałacka-Wilk ppw[at] Requirements Bachelor’s degree or foreign equivalent required from an accredited institution; At least 2 years of experience with excellent technology understanding of Visual Basic, VB/C# .NET, MS SQL server and MS access; At least 2 years of experience in development and maintenance of applications using Visual Basic, VB.NET, ASP.NET, C# and MS SQL Server; Recent experience in developing and deploying ASP.NET applications; Strong written and verbal communication skills and fluent knowledge of English; Strong understanding of common software development and maintenance practices; Good Analytical skills. Additional requirements Understanding and usage of SQL Server and Visual basic 6; Good to have experience in Insurance domain; Ability to work in team in diverse/ multiple stakeholder environment; Experience and desire to work in a Global delivery environment. Our offer Opportunity to be part of newly build, highly specialized team that works in multicultural organization; Standard work agreement, competitive salary and significant yearly bonus; Social bonuses: medical health care for you and your familly, multisport card and other; Telephone, laptops and other tools; External and internal trainings; Possibility to travel to other company location across Europe.
  6. Job description In the role of .NET Systems Engineer, you will apply your technical proficiency across different stages of the Software Development and Maintenance Life Cycle including Requirements Elicitation, Problem Analysis, Coding and Testing of software applications. You will deliver high quality code deliverables, conduct validation for all types of testing and support activities. You will respond to the issues assigned, do analysis, suggest/ implement work around, communicate to all the stakeholders and close issues as per the agreed timelines. You will be part of a learning culture, where teamwork and collaboration are encouraged, excellence is rewarded, and diversity is respected and valued. The posision requires shifts work: 8.00-16.00 or 12.00-20.00 individually agreed with Manager. For more information or to apply please contact Patrycja Pałacka-Wilk ppw[at] Requirements Bachelor's degree or foreign equivalent required from an accredited institution; At least 2 years of experience with excellent technology understanding of Visual Basic, VB/C# .NET, MS SQL server and MS access; At least 2 years of experience in development and maintenance of applications using Visual Basic, VB.NET, ASP.NET, C# and MS SQL Server; Recent experience in developing and deploying ASP.NET applications; Strong written and verbal communication skills and fluent knowledge of English; Strong understanding of common software development and maintenance practices; Good Analytical skills. Additional requirements Understanding and usage of SQL Server and Visual basic 6; Good to have experience in Insurance domain; Ability to work in team in diverse/ multiple stakeholder environment; Experience and desire to work in a Global delivery environment. Our offer Opportunity to be part of newly build, highly specialized team that works in multicultural organization; Standard work agreement, competitive salary and significant yearly bonus; Social bonuses: medical health care for you and your familly, multisport card and other; Telephone, laptops and other tools; External and internal trainings; Possibility to travel to other company location across Europe. To apply please send your CV in Polish or English:
  7. Job description In the role of Visual Basic System Engineer, you will apply your technical proficiency across different stages of the Software Development and Maintenance Life Cycle including Requirements Elicitation, Problem Analysis, Coding and Testing of software applications. You will deliver high quality code deliverables, conduct validation for all types of testing and support activities. You will respond to the issues assigned, do analysis, suggest / implement work around, communicate to all the stakeholders and close issues as per the agreed timelines. You will be part of a learning culture, where teamwork and collaboration are encouraged, excellence is rewarded, and diversity is respected and valued. The posision requires shifts work: 8.00-16.00 or 12.00-20.00 individually agreed with Manager. For more information or to apply please contact Joanna Kempińska joanna.kempinska[at] Requirements Bachelor's degree or foreign equivalent required from an accredited institution At least 2 years of experience with excellent technology understanding of Visual Basic, MS Access and VBA (MS Access and Excel Macros) At least 2 years of experience in development and maintenance of applications using Visual Basic, MS Access and VBA (MS Access and Excel Macros) Recent experience in developing and deploying Visual Basic 6 applications Strong written and verbal communication skills and fluent knowledge of English Strong understanding of common software development and maintenance practices Good Analytical skills Additional requirements Understanding and usage of SQL Server Good to have experience in Insurance domain Ability to work in team in diverse/ multiple stakeholder environment Experience and desire to work in a Global delivery environment Our offer Opportunity to be part of newly build, highly specialized team that works in multicultural organization Standard work agreement, competitive salary and significant yearly bonus Social bonuses: medical health care for you and your familly, multisport card and other Telephone, laptops and other tools External and internal trainings Possibility to travel to other company location across Europe To apply please send your CV in Polish or English:
  8. Talent Hills to zespół wyspecjalizowanych Konsultantów, którzy od lat swoją wiedzą i ekspertyzą wspierają największe marki technologiczne w rekrutacji najlepszych Specjalistów branży IT. Należymy do niewielkiego grona firm rekrutacyjnych w Polsce, które swoją działalność w pełni koncentrują na sektorze technologii informacyjnych. Nasze bogate i wieloletnie doświadczenie gwarantuje dzisiaj Kandydatom i Klientom Talent Hills pełne zrozumienie branży, rzetelną konsultację oraz usługę rekrutacyjną najwyższej jakości. Dla jednego z naszych Klientów aktualnie poszukujemy kandydatów na stanowisko: C#/.NET DEVELOPER Klientem Talent Hills jest jeden z wiodących dostawców innowacyjnych rozwiązań i usług płatniczych o kapitale amerykańskim. Dynamiczny rozwój organizacji naszego Klienta niesie za sobą nowe wymagania wobec systemów i infrastruktury IT, a przed kilkudziesięcioosobowym działem IT stawia kolejne wyzwania. Dlatego też do zespołu Rozwoju Systemów Transakcyjnych nasz Klient aktualnie poszukuje doświadczonego C#/.Net Developer’a. Opis Stanowiska: Rozwój systemów transakcyjnych opartych o framework .Net i bazy danych MS SQL Server (zarówno aplikacje desktopowe, jak i webowe); Udział w projektowaniu rozwiązań; Współpraca z Analitykami i członkami innych zespołów developerskich zlokalizowanych w Europie oraz w USA; Udział w projektach wdrożeniowych; Tworzenie dokumentacji technicznej. Wymagania: Bardzo dobra znajomość języka programowania C#, znajomość Visual Basic będzie mile widziana; Minimum 2-letnie doświadczenie komercyjne w rozwoju oprogramowania w oparciu o framework .Net; Umiejętność projektowania aplikacji oraz praktyczna znajomość wzorców projektowych; Bardzo dobra znajomość baz danych MS SQL Server oraz języków SQL i T-SQL; Znajomość technologii webowych, takich jak JavaScript, HTML, CSS, PHP będzie dodatkowym atutem; Bardzo dobra znajomość języka angielskiego (współpraca międzynarodowa); Umiejętność samodzielnego podejmowania decyzji i rozwiązywania problemów; Komunikatywność i umiejętność pracy w zespole. Oferujemy: Rozwój zawodowy w dynamicznej organizacji jednego z rynkowych liderów branży nowoczesnych płatności; Dostęp do ciekawych rozwiązań i technologii; Samodzielność w działaniu; Przyjazną atmosferę pracy w ambitnym i profesjonalnym zespole; Stabilne zatrudnienie wraz z bogatym pakietem benefitów; Forma zatrudnienia: umowa o pracę.
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