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Jobs Plus

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Posty napisane przez Jobs Plus

  1. Jobs Plus, for its new business partner, small start-up located in Rome, is currently looking for enthusiastic people with passion to technology who are eager to work with clients from Italy and improve their software. Join us in Rome as:


    Language Testing Intern / Functional Testing Intern



    Assisting in pre-sales activities

    Contacting prospects

    Proposing and demonstrating testing solutions

    Technical support for customers



    Start-up atmosphere

    Multinational environment (people from UK, USA and Italy)

    Small and enthusiastic team

    Fix salary and bonuses

    Full-time employment

    Operating with competitive solutions on virgin market



    Excellent knowledge of C, C++, Java, .NET, SOA, Windows and Linux (Language Testing Intern) / Web and mobile applications, API, SOA, HTML and Virtualization(Functional Testing Intern)

    Advanced English

    Bachelor Degree in IT (or related field)

    Experience gained through participating in technology related projects

    Open-minded person, eager to work with customers


    If you are interested in this position, please do not hesitate to send your resume through our form available here:



    Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych dla potrzeb niezbędnych do realizacji obecnych i przyszłych procesów rekrutacyjnych przez: Jobs Plus Krzysztof Rajtar (ul. Piastowska 44, 30-070 Kraków) oraz przekazywanie tych danych stronom trzecim w celach realizacji procesu rekrutacyjnego. Zezwalam na przekazywanie moich danych osobowych w celu określonym powyżej za granicę do krajów Unii Europejskiej.


    Posiadamy Certyfikat Ministerstwa Gospodarki i Pracy nr 1350.


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